Meet Our Doodettes
Bernedoodle Girls

Remi is a standard F1 Bernedoodle who lives in one of our amazing guardian homes. She has human siblings who she adores, and she loves playing with them. She's so much fun and is such a good girl.

Rye is a Golden Mountain Doodle who is fearless and playful, taking life without a second thought. She loves to play in the mud, climb on your head in the car, and is always making us laugh. She rolls over every time you walk by hoping for a belly rub, and she befriends every dog and human she meets in seconds.

Oakley is an F1 mini Bernedoodle we are thrilled to have as part of our program. She is loving, wild, and adorable. She likes to sleep on your pillow right on top of your head and is always down to play or cuddle. Oakley loves all people and animals and has never met a stranger.
Bernese Mountain Dog Girls

River is our biggest Bernese girl. At 90+ pounds she thinks she's a lap dog and she's the first to crawl up in your lap when you sit down. She loves to lay on the tanning ledge in the pool and loves other dogs. She is living the good life in one of our amazing guardian homes.

Adelweiss is an Australian Mountain Dog. Her DNA test shows she is 25% Australian Shepherd and 75% Bernese Mountain Dog. She is the most playful of our Berners, but she also LOVES to give lots of cuddles and kisses! She will sit right in your lap if you let her. She is the BEST with puppies. She has a sweet disposition and is eager to please.

Rose is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog female. She's is as sweet as can be. Her favorite activity is cuddling, and she will lay on you all day! She also loves to play, especially with the other dogs. She has a special bond with Birdie - they could spend all day in the yard playing when the weather is nice. She lives in one of our amazing guardian homes.
Poodle Girls

Little Maggie is an AKC miniature poodle with great red markings. She weighs a whopping 10 pounds, so she will NOT be having Bernedoodles. Little Maggie is an absolute sweetheart. She's spunky, playful, and fast! She also loves to be carried around by her humans. She is living in one of our amazing guardian homes.

Birdie is so much fun! She is playful and spunky, especially with her human brothers and other dogs. She's friendly and confident, adapting easily to new situations. She also loves to snuggle and won't hesitate to climb right up next to you on the couch for some pets. She is living in one of our amazing guardian homes.

Prim is a phantom poodle who carries parti. She is on the smaller side, and we expect her to be 45-50 pounds. She is full of energy and zest. She loves to play, spend time outside, and follow you around the house at your feet. Prim lives in one of our amazing guardian homes.
Lonestar Bernedoodles